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Finding Your Flower Essence


In order to find your flower essence, or theme, take a look at yourself. But don’t look too hard because you may get caught in the trappings of your mind—and we can’t always find answers there! Go to your heart.


You can also ask a friend, “What are three predominant, positive adjectives that come to mind when you think of me?” In other words, this will give some perspective and possibly a gentler assessment!


Another way to determine your flower essence is to take the quiz below from The Essential Flower Essence Handbook:Try the following exercise to decipher your theme essence. With pen and paper, take some time to answer the following questions. Be thoughtful but also spontaneous in your answers. Your first thoughts will most likely be the most revealing. This exercise may be used for family, friends and clients in order to determine their theme essences as well.

1. The qualities I most admire in others are . . . 
2. The outstanding idiosyncrasies of my personality are that I . . .
3. The main qualities I am trying to perfect in myself are . . .
4. It really bothers me when other people . . .
5. The three adjectives I would use to describe my energy are . . .
6. If my life could be ideal, what I would change is . . .
7. Am I calm? Kind-hearted? Cheerful? (Pick the quality of a theme essence you suspect.)
8. Do I like and sometimes crave spinach? Grapes? (Or whatever food corresponds to the theme essence in question.)

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